3 MONTHS? Really? Already?
I can't believe that it has been 3 months since I was in the hospital pushing this little guy out!
weight: 14.6 pounds fully clothes and with his cloth diaper
height: 24 inches (still)
He loves sitting up in any position. He just doesn't want to stay in the same position for long.
He is starting to like playing on the floor over being held.
He got his first toy in his mouth all on his own & on purpose yesterday!
He loves his binky after a lot of work on my part to prevent his thumb being his comfort!
He love tummy time in short doses!
He LOVES his brother! He watches everything he does!
When Daddy comes home he doesn't want anything to do with Mommy. (until its time to nurse!)
Nurses every 2 hours during the day, only one side at a time.
He's trying hard to say Mama! He's said it with what seems like wanting attention several times this week!
Sleeping better! Most nights he goes down by 10, up at 3ish, back down until 8ish!
He laughs at cartoons!
(He doesn't get to watch TV unless I really have to get something accomplished and I don't have another choice but letting him cry.)
He loves sleeping in Mommy's bed with or without me!
Still loves sleeping on his tummy!
He is wiggly all the time, even in his sleep! (A mommy trait)
He loves chewing on his hands!
He is a non-stop talker! Loves to tell stories to anyone who will listen!
Overall, he's a very happy little guy that's loved by everyone!
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