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IUD While Pregnant

Now that I knew I was pregnant I knew I had to get the IUD out asap. The problem no health insurance and my midwife clinic closed down so I had no idea where to go. 

I googled doctors in the area and started calling around. I figured this is how I would start. Find a place we could afford to go, see when they could get me in and then I would check reviews on the office and make sure that I wanted to go there. 

This plan didn't work well at all. I couldn't find a doctor that I could afford that could see me right away. The morning that I took my test was a Tuesday so I had Bible study so I went and we prayed and they knew that I had a long and stressful day ahead of me. 

While I was calling and crying and freaking out because I thought it was hopeless and I would end up at Planned Parenthood, which was the last place I wanted to go. Knowing that they support abortion I was terrified that they would in some way end up hurting my baby. Rational thoughts or not that's how I felt and I knew that if I went there I would be so nervous and stressed that it would be even more difficult. 

Well I didn't have any other choice.  I made the appointment and found someone to go with me that could help me get through what I thought was going to be one of the hardest days of my life. When you think you can't get pregnant and you want a baby so bad and you don't have insurance to get the IUD out so you can start trying and then you find out that you got pregnant against all odds the last thing you want to do is risk losing it.

Well then God did some more miracles. See I believe that this baby is a gift from Him (well all babies really but I will share my reason's in another post about this) and He showed up in a lot of ways that week. 

I had sent emails out to all the ladies at my Bible study group asking them for prayers for our safety when we went to Planned Parenthood. In return one of them went to work. She reached out to people she knows and was able to find me a doctor that could see the next afternoon that would do an ultrasound to make sure the IUD was in a place that could be safely removed and also was a Christian and believed that my baby was a baby even at the early 5 week mark. When I called and talked to them I knew I couldn't afford it. I told them I would have to see what we could do but it really was out of our price range. 

Well God and more of his miracles. Ladies from my Bible study and someone from one of their churches gathered together all the money it would take to pay for my visit. They wanted to make sure that I got the best care I could that would make it so we were safe. It still brings tears to my eyes to think about it.

Well we went and the doctor said that the IUD was in a pretty good place considering. He did tell me that my risk of miscarriage was still really high though. We spent almost 3 hours together to make sure that everything was done safely. He took an ultrasound, checked everything out. I saw and heard the heartbeat. He told my my due date of July 25th but said it might change a few days because I was so early in my pregnancy. He removed the IUD and it was better than we ever expected. No bleeding! No cramping! No nothing! It was great news!

Then I got order to no less than 2 days bed rest and the girls stepped up again. Offering to take Rex during the day, bring us meals through out the day, anything that I needed for help. It was over and beyond anything I could have thought. 

The next week was terrifying. I was so afraid I was going to lose the baby. I prayed all the time. I ask God to let me keep the baby which I knew was selfish of me to want to bring the baby into this world instead of offering it up to heaven which is a much better place to live but I wanted my baby. I went through so many emotions. I had a little discharge and just knew that I had lost it. I just dealt with it. Just said Oh Well, I will be Ok, At least the IUD is out so it won't be so hard to get pregnant again. I told myself anything and everything so I wouldn't get attached to the idea that I was actually having a baby. I didn't want to be devastated if I really did lose it.

Well I was told by my midwife friend that if I did lose it that within a week a pregnancy test would come up negative. So I waited and after a week I took another one and it was still positive! I was excited but still knew that I had one more week until I could see my little bean again. 

Well I got insurance and called and called the doctor to make another ultrasound appointment. Well I couldn't get a hold of them for anything so I decided I would call midwife clinics since I needed to find one anyway and see if I could get in to see someone. Well that worked. I was on the phone with the office for about 30 minutes trying to get everything figured out then they said I could be seen in an hour. Well that meant getting myself and two kids ready and out the door in 15 minutes so I could make sure I was on time.

I first called my dad. He wasn't working that day and I asked if he would come babysit. I knew taking 2 kids to the clinic would be very stressful and I was nervous about the news I would get and wasn't sure if I could handle them and finding out I lost it. So he came. Then I called M and told him about my appointment. He left work to meet me there because he didn't want me to be alone but also wanted to see our little baby.

It was great! I found one of the midwives that I loved from my old clinic had moved here! She actually was the one that I saw the most and wanted to deliver Rex. I was able to show her pictures and I can't wait to make an appointment with her and take Rex along with me so she can actually see him. We were also able to have another ultrasound. We were able to see the baby, see her heartbeat, and it was so exciting. After that I knew that God was going to let this baby stay with me. 

Although I'm still nervous since I'm only 10 weeks I'm much more relaxed about the whole thing now that I had the second ultrasound. Having the IUD removed was scary to say the least. I tried my best to pray and trust God and to know that everything was in His hands. I also knew that being stressed wasn't good. 

I'm still pregnant and things are looking good. I'm so excited to add another little one to our family this July!


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