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Showing posts from May, 2015

Check Out the Coop!

It took us several weeks to get this silly coop together with all the rain we've been having here in Oklahoma. It's been a crazy wet year. We've broken so many records that I can't even keep track of them all. Last I heard we've had about 26 inches of rain in our area just this season. All that rain meant many days of Hubby home from work unable to work on any projects. But will a friend of mine holding chickens for us we had to get the coop built quickly. I keep telling Hubby that he can make the prettiest things out of junk. I'm serious! Look at our coop! Doesn't it look great? It was made our of mostly free junk we had laying around the property! First we attached it to the side of the shed to save on materials. Then we used the shelf that was already there that we used for the boys outside toys for their nesting area. (Still needs a little work. We have to put dividers up so they will actually hatch eggs in their own boxes). We used scrap wood fro...

Baby Chicks?

We plan on having our chickens do what chickens do best...hatch more chickens! Chickens were made to hatch their own and raise them. Of course chickens today don't actually do it on most farms but for us we want to let the chickens do what comes naturally to them. Of course this means less work for us as well. The more the birds do the less responsibility we have. And of course we trust that God created them to be self sufficient so why not let them do what they were intended to do in the first place. We thought Ms. Fancy Feet pictured above was going to be our first to try and hatch some baby chicks for us. She was enjoying the eggs and trying to snuggle up with them but after 2 days she still hadn't actually taken responsibility for them and one of them actually got broken from one of the roosters. For now no hatched ourselves baby chicks. We hope to get a mama nesting soon! It takes 21 days for them to hatch so we need to get them started. Two to four eggs a day just ...

Have you heard?

We got our first official farm animal!  Chickens!  We brought them home on Friday afternoon just before 2 full days of rain. We've been having fun checking on them and watching them during the breaks in the storms. They have been fun to watch and learn from. All of them have been pretty nice and gentle with us. Big Daddy Rooster is the exception. He really hasn't shown an interest in us which as far as I'm concerned is OK. He's a little bit intimidating. He's huge and when he puffs up his feathers to shake them out he's even bigger. Not sure how we will ever wrangle him up again but we will just have to learn. We got their nests filled with some cozy pine chips for the time being. We are still figuring out the best and cheapest product to use for their nests. We have their food mixture all made up and a nice feeder and water container. We are working on where to house the food and water permanently without getting them pooped on all the time. We might en...


Have you heard of the new trend of geocaching? Not really sure how new it actually is but it's new to us for sure. Last weekend our nephew turned 8 years old and he wanted to go geocaching. It seemed like it could be fun and Monkey wanted to go along. We took the 30 minute trip the boating district of OKC and started our journey there. Lucky for us the flooding that was caused from the storms earlier that week had gone down. Just look at all the debris and the boat that was washed up onto a flower bed. There were boats all over that were on grass or broken from the rushing flood waters! But that debris didn't keep us from moving forward and keep looking. Our first attempt didn't end well. We think it might have gotten washed away with flood water because there was nothing around so we moved on and headed towards Brick Town. We enjoyed hanging out with the horses from the Oklahoma Land Run Monument. Say Cheese! Aren't my boys adorable! They are such good pict...

Here We Go Again!

So I started this post 15 days ago when I completed day one of Bikini Body Mommy and I just couldn't get the words out to finish the post and get it out. I competed day two and still couldn't get the words to finish. Then came day 10 when I was so grateful that I didn't end up posting about my workouts because I had only completed 2 days! Then during day 10's guilt I was texting with my workout buddy from Colorado. We both knew we needed to be working out. We both decided that we were going to make the commitment to the BBM community again. And then we both failed miserably. So on day 10 she tells me she's joining a Diet Bet  to help her stay committed to making the changes she needed. We talked a lot about it and I decided to bring it up to Hubby. I needed his support in making this decision to spend money on a bet that would hopefully keep me committed to making changes. Thirty dollars isn't a lot of money but it is enough money to be missed when we are ...

Trim Healthy Mama Update

So it's been a few months of trying to figure out this Trim Healthy Mama thing. During this time Hubby decided he wanted to try a food rotation to help heal his eczema. We started a four day food rotation that I got from my friend Stacey . We started and lived it for a few weeks. Stacey found it to be less stressful and made meals much easier for her and her family. For me it was the complete opposite. I hated it! I couldn't make anything that I wanted and Hubby was struggling with giving up several items that had mixing day ingredients. So instead we decided to go gluten free. So that's where we are right now. Lucky for us there is a THM Allergy facebook page . They have been so helpful to me in picking things that will not only help me with my own health goals but will help Hubby in his health goal of healing his skin. The best part is that if we have to give up dairy and/or eggs as well there are plenty of people living that same lifestyle that will help guide me t...