So I'm sitting here swishing my coconut oil, on guard mixture for my morning oil pulling and it's only 5:30 in the morning. I've been awake since about 4:45 but got out of bed are 5:00 and I'm WIDE awake! Like more wide awake than I normally am at any point during the day!
So sitting here in the quiet morning got me thinking. Partly because there is no one to talk to but even if there was I couldn't talk because I'm swishing oil around my mouth. So I was thinking that if every morning could be like this it would be PERFECT! I can get up before the hubby and have to coffee made. I could be up before the kids are up and have my oil swishing finished so I can actually wish them a good morning when they come out of their room with their sleepy eyes! I can get some small quiet jobs done before the day even starts for my family. Most importantly I can sit quietly on the couch with some quiet music playing and read my BIBLE! What a treasure! (And of course maybe get a blog post in too!)
So while I was thinking about it I was trying to figure out why this morning was so different than most mornings...and God met with me and gave me the answer! I ASKED HIM! Last night before I went to bed I prayed for HIM to give me the strength to do what I had to do! I have to start getting up earlier in the morning and with a happiness in my heart! I can't be grumpy and groggy all morning. I need HIS STRENGTH to get through the tough habits I have established to get healthy food on the table first thing in the morning and throughout the day. I need HIS STRENGTH to get me through school with Monkey every day and an enormous amount of HIS PATIENCE (of course I made sure to carefully pray around that and not directly ask for patience!) I prayed for HIM to meet me this morning and help me get everything I need to get accomplished done today!
How strange is that? I ASKED God for something and HE ANSWERED! AMAZING! I can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings! I know it has to be good as long as I remember WHO is walking along side me this day and EVERY day! So now you stop and ask God to be with you today! You might be in a hurry but just stop for a second fold your hands, bow your head and say a little prayer. Tell God what you need most from Him right now in this moment and what you need through the day and then look for ways He shows up! He always will if you ask but you have to remember to watch for Him too because He won't always be there the way you think! So now go and enjoy your day! My tummy growling so I'm going to see if I can make some yummy muffins off pinterest for breakfast!
So sitting here in the quiet morning got me thinking. Partly because there is no one to talk to but even if there was I couldn't talk because I'm swishing oil around my mouth. So I was thinking that if every morning could be like this it would be PERFECT! I can get up before the hubby and have to coffee made. I could be up before the kids are up and have my oil swishing finished so I can actually wish them a good morning when they come out of their room with their sleepy eyes! I can get some small quiet jobs done before the day even starts for my family. Most importantly I can sit quietly on the couch with some quiet music playing and read my BIBLE! What a treasure! (And of course maybe get a blog post in too!)
So while I was thinking about it I was trying to figure out why this morning was so different than most mornings...and God met with me and gave me the answer! I ASKED HIM! Last night before I went to bed I prayed for HIM to give me the strength to do what I had to do! I have to start getting up earlier in the morning and with a happiness in my heart! I can't be grumpy and groggy all morning. I need HIS STRENGTH to get through the tough habits I have established to get healthy food on the table first thing in the morning and throughout the day. I need HIS STRENGTH to get me through school with Monkey every day and an enormous amount of HIS PATIENCE (of course I made sure to carefully pray around that and not directly ask for patience!) I prayed for HIM to meet me this morning and help me get everything I need to get accomplished done today!
How strange is that? I ASKED God for something and HE ANSWERED! AMAZING! I can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings! I know it has to be good as long as I remember WHO is walking along side me this day and EVERY day! So now you stop and ask God to be with you today! You might be in a hurry but just stop for a second fold your hands, bow your head and say a little prayer. Tell God what you need most from Him right now in this moment and what you need through the day and then look for ways He shows up! He always will if you ask but you have to remember to watch for Him too because He won't always be there the way you think! So now go and enjoy your day! My tummy growling so I'm going to see if I can make some yummy muffins off pinterest for breakfast!
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