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Showing posts from December, 2015

Homeschooling Can Be Easy

I say this will a heart full of emotions from getting through our first full week of more structured homeschool. It has been a huge adjustment not only for me but mostly for Monkey. He loves doing worksheets and sitting at the table reading directions from the workbooks I buy at Wal-Mart and working by himself. But now it's time to bring in more learning than just practicing writing words and counting simple objects on a page and writing numbers. I've gone back and forth a lot on what type of education I want to give my boys. I know that I want them to love learning. I want them to love to read. I want to them have fun during their school work. I have looked at curriculum after curriculum and still haven't found any I really love. I thought Sonlight was perfect but then changed my mind. I wanted to try unschooling and let the kids learn as they play and enjoy life but they were begging for structure work. So finally I looked at Easy Peasy All-In-One Homeschool  again. ...

Tiny House Progress: Outside Structure

More and more progress just keeps being made! We can't believe how fast things can come together! We can't wait to see it finished. It's so funny! Each step we take forward we beam with excitement! We can feel it getting closer and closer...but then when we start to discuss what steps are coming next we once again realize just how much work we still need to do and how much money we still need to accomplish it! These days we wonder if it will ever really become a reality or if it will forever be a dream. These are the days that I think about starting a GoFundMe page just to see if anyone would help make our dreams come true. But then I think about why that page was created and I think that what I'm looking to accomplish just doesn't fit what the page is trying to accomplish.  But to move on to the more exciting stuff like pictures and the progress of the outside of the house being finished! This time I decided I would actually label so areas so you co...

Tiny House Progress: Framing

We have made so much progress on the tiny house! It feels like it is finally coming together. Like it might actually happen and become our reality! We couldn't be more excited. But because I have been a big slacker with sharing updates here with you it's going to take a few post so that I can share lots of the progress with pictures. So here's we go from where we last left off. Don't remember what I last shared because it's been so long? Ya me too! Check out the foundation and the floor plan because apparently I have written about anything else! So the next step was to get the framing of the walls built. Thanks to the wonderful baby growing inside me and the fact that I have never in my life built a wall before I got to sit back and watch Hubby do all the work. I enjoyed watching the boys play and 'help' and reading on my kindle in the shade. Since Hubby has built walls before he was able to get the whole house framed in ONE day! It's paying ...