Being a boy mom I knew I was going to be exposed to a culture that I was never immersed in before. I only have a half sister so there wasn't much exposure to the real life of boys growing up. But now my culture has changed and I say things like... just put your face in fart water! ...don't eat your boogers! ...get your hands out of your pants! ...I don't know if Batman can fly without his bat-mobile. These are just the things I can remember at the moment. I know there are more because I catch myself at least once a day thinking, "Did I really just say that?" Yep, life as a boy mom is very different than the pink Barbie land that I grew up in! But I have to say I love being a boy mom! Even though I hope one day my hubby will change his mind and we will try for another and maybe we will a girl. Who says I can't have the best of both worlds? Oh yes...don't forget the fascination with bugs and creepy crawling creatures!
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1